Loss From Cataracts and Cataract Surgery Utilization in the United States—A National Health Interview Survey Analysis


Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師



在過去一年中,需要但無法負擔醫療費用的人比起其他人更有可能報告由於白內障導致的視力喪失( P < 0.001)。未投保醫療保險的參與者比起擁有私人保險的人更不可能報告接受了白內障手術( P = 0.03)。收入較高的人(貧窮收入比:1.00-2.99 vs < 1.00)更有可能報告接受了白內障手術( P = 0.04)。這些結果來自約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院威爾默眼科學院的研究。該研究強調眼科醫生在白內障患者中檢測社會風險的重要性,因為這些社會因素是影響接受就醫的重要障礙。視力障礙是一個重要的公共衛生問題,影響著超過340萬40歲以上的美國人,導致了巨大的經濟負擔。視力障礙對生活質量、心理社交健康和死亡率都有不良影響。白內障是美國領先的可逆視力喪失原因,負責50%的雙眼視力障礙。儘管白內障有有效的外科治療方法,但種族和族裔之間存在白內障相關視力障礙的差異,如巴爾的摩眼睛調查研究所發現,黑人患者的視力障礙因白內障而引起的年齡調整後患病率比白人患者高75%,接受白內障手術的比例較低。根據2016年的美國國家健康訪談調查(NHIS)分析,自報視覺障礙與具體的社會決定健康(social determinants of health, SDOH)指標(如教育水準較低、醫療保險、支付醫療費用困難等)明顯相關。本研究調查了2016年至2017年期間的NHIS數據集中的多個SDOH變數,發現與白內障相關的結果存在不平等,包括保險類型、收入水平、工作狀態、因時間問題延遲就醫和在過去一年需要但無法負擔醫療費用等。因此,研究提醒眼科醫生在白內障患者中應重視社會風險,並提醒醫療機構關注社會決定健康因素,以解決接受醫療的障礙。根據研究結果顯示,與高教育程度的人相比,教育程度較低的人在需要時購買眼鏡的能力較差。雖然之前的研究發現,教育程度較低的人患白內障的風險增加,但我們未在自報白內障和不同教育程度之間找到任何顯著關聯。此外,之前的研究指出教育程度較低的人視力損失率較高,但我們的研究未發現白內障導致的視力損失與教育程度之間的類似關聯。此外,在我們的研究中,即使在控制其他相關變量(如保險類型、年齡、種族和人均所得)後,教育程度較高的人接受白內障手術的可能性也顯著較低。未來的研究應該考慮到健康保險因素,並探討社會因素對於白內障相關結果的影響,例如醫療知識和語言障礙。此外,提供改善健康教育、保險覆蓋和幫助有社會風險的人連接眼科服務的資源,有助於解決這些健康差距。

English Abstract

The content discusses the association between social determinants of health (SDOH) factors and cataract-related outcomes. The study found that individuals who couldn’t afford medical care were more likely to report vision loss due to cataracts. Uninsured participants were less likely to undergo cataract surgery compared to those with private insurance. Higher income individuals were more likely to undergo cataract surgery. The study emphasizes the importance of ophthalmologists screening for social risks in patients with cataract, as social factors can be barriers to accessing care. Vision impairment due to cataracts is a significant public health issue, affecting millions of Americans. Racial and ethnic disparities in vision impairment have been documented, with Black individuals having a higher prevalence of visual impairment due to cataracts and lower rates of cataract surgery. Various SDOH factors, including income, insurance type, and access to healthcare, were examined in relation to cataract-related outcomes. The study used nationally representative data from three survey years.The content discusses a study that examines the relationship between education level and the affordability of eyeglasses and cataract-related outcomes. The study finds that individuals with lower educational attainment have a higher risk of cataracts but no significant association between education level and self-reported cataracts. It also explores the impact of health insurance on cataract-related outcomes, with uninsured individuals having the highest likelihood of vision loss due to cataracts. The study suggests that social factors such as insurance coverage, health literacy, and language barriers can serve as barriers to receiving cataract surgery and recommends improving health disparities through resources and assistance.

Risk of Noninfectious Uveitis after Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination in a United States Claims Database


Tags Uveitis
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究旨在評估COVID-19疫苗接種後非感染性葡萄膜炎(noninfectious uveitis, NIU )的風險。研究使用美國的診療索賠數據庫,將COVID-19疫苗接種組與2018年和2019年入院的COVID-19未接種組進行配對。研究使用Cox比例風險模型計算危險比(Hazard ration, HR),在SCCS設計中使用條件泊松回歸模型計算接種風險期和未接種對照期內的NIU發病率比(incidence rate ratios, IRR)。研究結果顯示,5至44歲年齡組中NIU風險增加(IRR 1.40; 95% CI 1.04-1.87; P = 0.024)。總體上未發現COVID-19疫苗接種後NIU風險增加的證據,提供了關於疫苗安全性的保證。儘管三種疫苗的效力都很高,安全性良好,但有報告稱疫苗接種後出現非感染性葡萄膜炎(NIU),這引發了關於疫苗是否增加葡萄膜炎風險的疑問。研究結果強調了年輕人可能在接種疫苗後面臨NIU的風險增加,並提出了不同機制解釋NIU的發生。

English Abstract

The study aimed to assess the risk of noninfectious uveitis (NIU) after COVID-19 vaccination. The researchers analyzed data from a United States claims database and compared a COVID-vaccinated group to a historical cohort. They calculated hazard ratios (HRs) and incidence rate ratios (IRRs) to determine the risk of NIU. The analysis did not detect an increased overall risk of NIU after COVID-19 vaccination in individuals without a history of uveitis. However, there was an increased risk in the subgroup aged 5 to 44 years. The study provides reassurance about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines regarding NIU risk.This content is a collection of several articles related to various topics.

Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Small Choroidal Melanocytic Lesions


Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究目的是檢測患有不確定小脈絡膜黑色素病變的患者循環腫瘤細胞(circulating tumor cells, CTCs)的存在。研究對象為47名患有2.5毫米或以下病變厚度和大基底直徑(largest basal diameter)的脈絡膜黑色素病變患者。結果發現CTCs的存在與病變的大基底直徑和厚度呈正相關。儘管觀察和等待可能會導致細胞持續傳播和預後惡化,但由於組織活檢具有很多限制和危險,因此流動生物(liquid biopsy)檢查是解決這些問題的替代方法。然而,目前對於CTCs檢測在不確定小脈絡膜黑色素病變中的敏感性和特異性的確定仍然是一個重要挑戰。因此,流動生物檢查需要進一步在臨床實踐中得到確定。在CTCs陽性患者中,亞視網膜下液(subretinal fluid)、橙色色素(orange pigment)、聲場中空(sonographic hollowness)和大基底直徑大於5毫米的風險因素明顯高於CTCs陰性患者。此外,對不確定小脈絡膜黑色素病變進行組織活檢的敏感性較低,而液體活檢的敏感性和特異性需要進一步研究。

English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to detect circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with small choroidal melanocytic lesions. The study included 47 patients with lesions 2.5 mm or less in tumor thickness. The presence of CTCs was positively associated with both lesion thickness and largest basal diameter. Compared with the nCTC group,a higher percentage of the pCTC group exhibited LBD>5mm (36%vs.88%), subretinal fluid(9.1% vs.56%),orange pigment (4.5%vs.60%), sonographic hollowness (9.1%vs.60%),and the presence of multiple risk factors(0%vs.68% for 3 factors) with P<0.001 for all parameters.The study discusses the challenges in distinguishing between choroidal nevi and early-stage uveal melanoma and the limitations of current diagnostic techniques such as tissue biopsy. Liquid biopsy is proposed as an alternative method, and the study describes the procedure for isolating CTCs from peripheral blood. The sensitivity and specificity of liquid biopsy in detecting tumor cells in uveal melanoma remain important challenges. The study concludes that liquid biopsy has the potential to solve the limitations of current diagnostic techniques but further research is needed.

Ophthalmic Technology Assessment: Thermal Pulsation in the Management of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye


Tags Cornea
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


回顧文獻,評估熱脈衝(thermal pulsation)技術在改善瞼板腺功能障礙(MGD)和乾眼症的徵象或症狀方面的療效和安全性,與無治療、常規熱敷療法或lid hygiene相比。結果:所有納入的研究都評估了使用LipiFlow自動化熱脈衝系統(TearScience公司或強生公司)進行的單次12分鐘治療。與無治療相比,經過1至12個月的熱脈衝治療,患者的主觀和客觀的MGD或乾眼症指標均有所改善。在這11個研究中,沒有報告任何嚴重不良事件。結論:根據目前的文獻,單次熱脈衝治療可以安全地改善MGD和乾眼症的主觀或客觀參數。然而,4個8級研究中有4個受到了業內的支持和參與。治療效果能否持久長達幾個月以及成本效益尚不確定。需要進行高質量的獨立研究來評估這種治療的長期效益。

English Abstract

The article reviews the efficacy and safety of thermal pulsation technologies in the management of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and dry eye. The study found that a single 12-minute session of thermal pulsation treatment using the LipiFlow system resulted in improvements in subjective and objective metrics of MGD and dry eye compared to no therapy or conventional warm compress therapy. Four of these studies showed relevant industry conflicts of interest. Two of the 4 level I studies without direct industry participation concluded that thermal pulsation treatment was not significantly different from conventional hygiene or warm compress therapy control treatments (in symptoms in one of the studies and in objective findings in the second study).No serious adverse events were reported in any of the 11 studies reviewed. However, the durability of the treatment beyond several months and cost effectiveness remain uncertain. The article calls for high-quality independent studies to assess the long-term benefits of thermal pulsation therapy.

Trends in the Diagnosed Prevalence and Incidence of Major Eye Diseases in Medicare Part B Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries 68 Years of Age or Older

68歲或以上的Medicare Part B費用支付服務受益人中主要眼病診斷盛行率和發生率的趨勢

Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


這項研究旨在研究年齡相關眼病在診斷的流行率和發生率的當代趨勢。研究採用了每年的橫斷面診斷流行率和發生率進行計算,並按人口統計特徵(年齡、性別、種族和族裔)進行分層計算。研究發現,到2020年,所有疾病的診斷流行率和發生率均有所上升。總結來說,這項研究提供了Medicare FFS受益人年齡相關主要慢性眼疾診斷的流行率和發生率的最新數據。與較舊的流行病學估計相比,我們發現每個研究的疾病的診斷流行率在近年來有所提高。

English Abstract

This study aimed to examine trends in the diagnosed prevalence and incidence of age-related eye diseases, specifically age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and glaucoma, among Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries. The researchers analyzed annual cross-sectional data from 2005 to 2019 and also looked at the prevalence and incidence in 2020, which may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that the diagnosed prevalence of these eye diseases increased over the study period, with AMD showing a higher prevalence in more recent years. There were also differences in prevalence and incidence rates based on demographic factors such as age, sex, race, and ethnicity. The study notes that the findings may underestimate the true population differences, as the data is based on administrative claims from patients seeking eye care. Overall, the study provides updated data on the prevalence and incidence of major chronic age-related eye diseases among Medicare beneficiaries.

Use of Immunosuppression and the Risk of Subsequent Overall or Cancer Mortality


Tags Uveitis
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究旨在確定所有因素(all cause mortality)和癌症死亡率 (cancer mortality, CM) 的發生率。研究採用回顧性的族群研究設計,針對眼部發炎疾病 (ocular inflammatory disease,OID) 的專科中心進行研究。研究人員回顧性地收集了從1979年至2010年期間(共31年)的資料,並通過國家死亡指數進行整體和癌症特異性死亡的確定。研究結果顯示,暴露於肿瘤壞死因子抑製劑tumor necrosis factor inhibitors、抗代謝劑antimetabolites、鈣調蛋白酶抑製劑calcineurin inhibitor和烷化劑alkylating agents的患者與未暴露於任何免疫抑制劑的患者相比,整體死亡率和 CM 正常的預期程度。這些結果表明,免疫抑制劑對於治療各種炎症性疾病的患者的整體死亡率和 CM 是安全的。

English Abstract

The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the incidence of all-cause and cancer mortality in patients with ocular inflammatory disease (OID) who were treated with immunosuppressive drugs. The study collected data from clinic records from 1979 to 2010 and followed the patients through National Death Index linkage. The study found that overall mortality and cancer mortality were not significantly increased in patients exposed to tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, antimetabolites, calcineurin inhibitors, or alkylating agents compared to patients not exposed to these drugs.

Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty versus Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty for Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy


Tags Cornea
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究納入了2012年至2019年間在瑞典角膜移植紀錄登記中完成2年追蹤的一千六百七十七名接受內皮角膜移植手術的患者。根據視力、年齡、性別、手術年份和手術前炎症、血管生成和青光眼等風險因素進行傾向評分匹配,形成了三個可比較的組別(DMEK、DSAEK和 phacoemulsification plus DSAEK)每組216名患者。主要結果指標為2年追蹤時的最佳矯正視力和移植物存活頻率。結果顯示,三種手術方法中大多數患者(90%)的視力都有所提升。然而,DMEK和phacoemulsification plus DSAEK在手術後2年的視力水平更高,而phacoemulsification plus DSAEK在移植物存活率方面更優。三種手術方法都有優點和缺點,選擇手術方法應個體化,考慮到不僅僅是角膜,還有每位患者的完整醫療狀況以及手術後的全程醫療。

English Abstract

The study included 1,677 patients who underwent endothelial keratoplasty in Sweden from 2012 to 2019. Three groups (DMEK, DSAEK, and phacoemulsification plu sDSAEK) were compared based on surgical method and propensity score matching. The main outcome measures were Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at the 2-year follow-up, frequency of graft dislocation,graft rejection episodes,and graft failure within 2 years including primary graft failure. The study found that visual acuity improved in 90% of patients with all three surgical methods, but DMEK and phacoemulsification plus DSAEK had higher levels of visual acuity after 2 years. The frequency of graft dislocation was higher among the patients undergoing phacoemulsification plus DSAEK, but the frequency of graft failure and primary graft failure was higher in the DMEK group.The study suggests that the choice of surgical method should be individualized based on the patient’s complete medical status.

Zellweger Spectrum Disorder


Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


這篇文章是一個關於Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD)的自然歷史(natural history)研究和文獻回顧的眼科發現。目前還沒有對視網膜發現的起始、範圍和進展進行詳細的描述。在這篇文章中,我們描述了迄今最多ZSD患者的眼科發現。主要結果測量項目包括視力、posterior segment 和anterior segment描述、眼震、視力的長期數據顯示隨著時間的推移視力逐漸降低,平均7.8歲時出現法定失明。在ZSD中,視力逐漸惡化並與疾病嚴重程度有關,連續電視圖法(serial ERG)無法用於記錄視力喪失的進展,並且可能存在眼底內裂變性變化。

English Abstract

This content describes a study that investigated ophthalmic findings in patients with Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD). The study included the largest number of ZSD patients to date and examined visual acuity, retinal findings, and disease progression. The results showed a slow loss of visual acuity over time, with legal blindness typically occurring at around 7.8 years of age. Ophthalmic findings varied depending on disease severity, with severely affected patients experiencing retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, and corneal clouding. Patients with milder disease typically demonstrated retinitis pigmentosa, macular atrophy, and reduced visual findings on electroretinography. The study aimed to inform the development of potential therapies to improve vision outcomes in ZSD patients. However, more research is needed to accurately characterize ophthalmic findings and establish ideal cohorts and visual endpoints for clinical trials.

Coats-like Vasculopathy in Inherited Retinal Disease


Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究旨在描述目前最大型、表現型和基因型多樣的 先天性視網膜疾病Inherited retinal diseases (IRD)相關 Coats-like vasculopathy (CLV) 患者群。通過回顧臨床記錄、眼科影像和分子診斷來進行研究。主要結果指標包括視覺功能、視網膜影像和治療反應。研究結果顯示,CLV診斷時的患者整體年齡為30.7(16.9)歲。81%的患者進行了基因檢測,其中40人進行了分子解決(molecularly solved)。最終最佳矯正視力明顯惡化(P = 0.002),60%的患者在視力規律檢查期間失去了15 ETDRS字母或更多,31%的患者進行了更進一步的視覺障礙治療。

English Abstract

The article describes a study on patients with Coats-like vasculopathy (CLV) associated with inherited retinal diseases (IRD). The study reviewed clinical notes, ophthalmic imaging, and molecular diagnosis from two international centers to describe the largest and most diverse cohort of patients with IRD-related CLV. The main findings of the study include:

  • The overall age of patients at CLV diagnosis was 30.7 years.
  • 81% of patients had genetic testing, and 60% of them lost 15 ETDRS letters or more over follow-up in one or both eyes.
  • 31% of patients progressed to more advanced stages of visual impairment.
  • IRD-related CLV is rare, sporadic, and mostly bilateral.
  • Patients with decreased initial visual acuity, changes affecting 2 or more retinal quadrants, and CRB1-retinopathy may be at higher risk of a poor prognosis.

Neuro-ophthalmology Emergency Department and Inpatient Consultations at a Large Academic Referral Center


Tags Neuro
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023


本研究旨在調查大型學術轉診中心緊急科和住院科諮詢的神經眼科病例,以瞭解諮詢模式、複雜度和最終診斷,以改進運作並優化覆蓋。研究收集了1年內所有成人(年齡> 18歲)在我們醫院經歷的神經眼科諮詢。結果顯示,這些諮詢主要來自急診和住院科,且在週末的諮詢較少。最常見的諮詢理由是視力喪失、眼球運動障礙和瞳孔異常。其中,許多病例需要多學科協調和眼科醫生的診斷和處置。本研究還發現,沒有醫療保險或擁有醫療保險的病人往往是最複雜的病例。研究結果表明,神經眼科疾病在緊急情況下需要適時的診斷和處置,並且神經眼科的需求超過了目前的提供量。為了應對這個需求,可以采取多種措施,包括改進醫療服務、設立神經眼科專科醫生,並利用遠程醫療和人工智能等技術來提高效率。

English Abstract

This article discusses the importance of prompt neuro-ophthalmology consultation in preventing diagnostic errors and improving patient outcomes. The study focuses on neuro-ophthalmology emergency department (ED) and inpatient consultations at a large academic referral center. It highlights the high demand for neuro-ophthalmology consultations, particularly in the ED, where multidisciplinary care and ancillary testing are readily available. The study analyzes the quantity of consultation requests, patterns of referrals, complexity of consultations, and final diagnoses to optimize coverage and improve operations. It also emphasizes the need for greater neuro-ophthalmology coverage, considering the limited number of neuro-ophthalmologists and the increasing number of referrals. The article suggests potential solutions such as telehealth, integrating artificial intelligence and diagnostic aids, and creating specific hospital protocols for neuro-ophthalmologic conditions. It concludes that delayed neuro-ophthalmology consultation can result in diagnostic errors, increased costs, and worse outcomes, emphasizing the importance of timely and appropriate neuro-ophthalmologic care.