Retinal Damage After Repeated Low-level Red-Light Laser Exposure


Tags CGMHOPHPediatricRetina
Journal JAMA Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

JAMA Ophthalmology July 2023 Volume 141, Number 7


本文摘要報告了一個案例,該案例是一名12歲的女孩,在連續5個月使用低劑量紅光激光器(repeated low-level red-light laser exposure [蘇州園佳光電技術])治療雙側中度近視後,出現了雙視力喪失2週。在患者出現之前1個月,患者在接觸光線後抱怨有異常明亮的光和持久的殘影現象。最佳矯正視力從20/20下降到20/30 OU。未見發炎現象。眼底照片顯示僅雙眼黯淡的黃斑和自動螢光成像中的低自動螢光色素斑darkened foveae with a hypoautofluorescent plaque.。光學相干斷層掃描識別到雙眼黃斑橢圓形區和相互交錯區的破裂oveal ellipsoid zone disruption and interdigitation zone discontinuity。磁共振成像未顯示視神經或中樞神經系統病變。感染和炎症檢查結果均為陰性。多焦點電視節目顯示雙眼視盤顏色和自動螢光成像,右眼視盤顏色和自動螢光成像,Multifocal electroretinogram showed moderately and mildly decreased response in the central macula and paramacula.三個月後,雙眼黃斑受傷部分恢復,右眼和左眼的視力恢復到20/25 OU。討論:該患者在RLRL治療後出現黃斑結構損傷和功能喪失。儘管橢圓形區域被破壞,但在外部視網膜層未注意到高反射物質積聚,這與多發性透明白點綜合癥有所不同。黃斑光感受器外分泌的損失與急性區域神秘外隱形綜合癥有所區別,後者通常是黃斑寬恢復。太陽和雷射指示燈黃斑損傷也表現為外部視網膜層的破裂。雖然患者否認了這兩個風險因素,但不能排除它們。此外,RLRL激光曝曬可能是造成視網膜損傷的另一個可能原因。

English Abstract

The content discusses a case report of a 12-year-old girl who experienced bilateral vision loss after 5 months of repeated low-level red-light laser exposure for myopia treatment. The patient complained of bright light and prolonged afterimages after exposure to light. Fundus photographs showed darkened foveae with a hypoautofluorescent plaque. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed foveal ellipsoid zone disruption and interdigitation zone discontinuity. Magnetic resonance imaging did not show any CNS lesions, and no inflammation was noted. Multifocal electroretinogram showed moderately and mildly decreased response in the central macula and paramacula. Three months later, partial foveal recovery and improvement in visual acuity were observed. The report suggests that the retinal damage may be associated with the instability of the laser’s light power, prolonged exposure, or the patient’s sensitivity to light toxicity. The case highlights the need for rigorous clinical trials and strict monitoring in the use of laser therapy for myopia.

Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in the US in 2021


Tags Retina
Journal JAMA Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

JAMA Ophthalmology August 2023 Volume 141, Number 8


糖尿病視網膜病變(DR)是糖尿病的常見微血管併發症,也是美國工作年齡成年人中導致失明的主要原因之一。本研究包括了來自國家健康和營養檢查調查(2005至2008年和2017年至2020年3月)、醫療保險Medicare費用服務索賠(2018年)、IBM MarketScan商業保險索賠(2016年)、成人眼疾病的以人群為基礎的研究(2001年至2016年)、2項關於青少年糖尿病的研究(2021年和2023年)以及之前發表的糖尿病按國家劃分的分析(2012年)的數據作為研究資料來源。研究團隊將患有糖尿病的個體定義為糖化血紅蛋白水平大於或等於6.5%的人、注射胰島素的人或者曾被醫生或者醫療專業人員告知患有糖尿病的人。該研究團隊估計在2021年,美國約有960萬人患有糖尿病視網膜病變,對應的患病率在糖尿病患者中為26.43%。研究小組估計有184萬人患有視網膜高危病變(vision-threatening DR) ,對應的患病率在糖尿病患者中為5.06%。這篇文章探討了糖尿病視網膜病變在美國的現況,並提出了2021年美國糖尿病視網膜病變的盛行率和絕對數字。了解疾病盛行率的大小是制定成本效益預防策略的第一步。這項研究填補了美國當前糖尿病相關視網膜併發症的預防領域的流行病學知識差距。

English Abstract

The study focused on estimating the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and vision-threatening DR (VTDR) in the US using various data sources, including national surveys, Medicare claims, and population-based studies. The researchers defined individuals with diabetes as those who had a hemoglobin A1c level of 6.5% or more, took insulin, or had been diagnosed with diabetes by a healthcare professional. They estimated that in 2021, there were approximately 9.60 million people in the US living with DR, corresponding to a prevalence rate of 26.43% among people with diabetes. The study team estimated 1.84 million people living with VTDR, corresponding to a prevalenc rate of 5.06% among people with diabetes.The study found that the prevalence of DR varied across states and had increased since the last estimate in 2004. The researchers emphasized the importance of these findings for public health interventions and resource allocation.

Performance of an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot in Ophthalmic Knowledge Assessment


Journal JAMA Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

JAMA Ophthalmology



English Abstract

This study assessed the performance of an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot called ChatGPT in answering ophthalmic knowledge test questions. The study used a sample of text-based multiple-choice questions from a practice question bank. The primary outcome was the number of questions that ChatGPT answered correctly. The secondary outcomes included the proportion of questions for which ChatGPT provided explanations, the length of questions and responses, performance in answering questions without multiple-choice options, and changes in performance over time. The study found that ChatGPT answered approximately half of the questions correctly (58 of 125 questions, 46% in Jan, 2023 and 73 of 125 questions, 58% in Feb, 2023), and provided explanations for most questions. However, its performance was not sufficient to provide substantial assistance in preparing for board certification exams. The authors emphasized the importance of responsible use of AI systems in medical education and clinical practice.

Tumor-Associated Retinal Pigmentation in Choroidal Melanoma


Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 10, October 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師


本研究報告了一種先前未被認識的脈絡膜黑色素瘤臨床特徵,稱為腫瘤相關著色素素性視網膜(tumor-associated retinal pigmentation, TARP),並確定其與腫瘤生物學之間的相關性。研究結果發現,在較大的脈絡膜黑色素瘤中,TARP代表的是腫瘤相關巨噬細胞,而不是黑色素細胞。該研究還指出,輻射治療不需要涉及TARP區域,以減少輻射相關併發症的風險。這一新的臨床徵象似乎與高轉移風險的臨床和遺傳特徵(monosomy 3)的腫瘤有關。該研究的結果顯示,如果存在TARP,它可以被視為系統高風險著色素瘤的臨床生物標記。

English Abstract

The content discusses a previously unrecognized clinical feature of choroidal melanoma called tumor-associated retinal pigmentation (TARP). The study conducted at Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre in the United Kingdom. TARP refers to the presence of tumor-associated macrophages within the intraretinal and subretinal spaces of larger choroidal melanomas. The study analyzed 20 choroidal melanomas and found that 18 of them had monosomy 3, a genetic abnormality associated with a high risk of metastasis. The presence of TARP seems to be linked to tumors with high metastatic-risk clinical and genetic characteristics. The study suggests that radiation treatments should not involve the TARP area to minimize complications. TARP may serve as a clinical biomarker for high-risk uveal melanoma lesions.

Social Deprivation and the Risk of Screening Positive for Glaucoma in the MI-SIGHT Telemedicine-Based Glaucoma Detection Program

社會剝奪與青光眼檢測初篩陽性的風險 in MI-SIGHT(MichiganScreeningand Intervention for Glaucoma and eye Health through Telemedicine)


Tags Glaucoma
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 10, October 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師



English Abstract

The content discusses the association between poverty, socioeconomic status, and glaucoma. It highlights that personal poverty, as indicated by not driving a personal vehicle to the appointment, and neighborhood-level poverty are linked to higher rates of screening positive for glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. The article also points out that people with lower socioeconomic status, particularly Black Americans who are disproportionately affected by poverty, are more likely to develop glaucoma. Additionally, it emphasizes the impact of earlier onset and more severe disease on morbidity and quality of life. The article mentions that a significant number of glaucoma cases remain undiagnosed, with many individuals unaware of their condition. Notably, social risk factors, including personal-level and neighborhood-level deprivation, are analyzed in relation to the likelihood of screening positive for glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. The content suggests implementing telemedicine or technology-based programs in high-poverty neighborhoods to improve access to glaucoma diagnosis and treatment. Overall, the research contributes to understanding the genetic and environmental factors influencing glaucoma risk and highlights the need for targeted interventions in underserved communities.

Nonlinear Relationship of Retinal Thickness and Visual Acuity in Central Retinal and Hemiretinal Vein Occlusion


Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 10, October 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師



本研究旨在探索受中心性視網膜靜脈阻塞(CRVO)或半領域視網膜靜脈阻塞(hemiretinal vascular occlusion, HRVO)引起的黃斑水腫治療期間,由afibercept或bevacizumab治療的眼睛中,中央子場厚度(central subfield thickness, CST)與同時的視力字母分數(visual acuity letter score, VALS)之間是否存在線性關聯?研究結果顯示,CRVO或HRVO眼睛接受抗血管內皮生長因數(VEGF)治療後的CST和VALS之間的關係不是簡單的線性關係。總結來說,在本研究中,CST接近217到256 mm的參與者顯示了最佳的VALS,並且視網膜越薄並不總是與更好的VALS相關。

English Abstract

The content describes a study conducted to investigate the relationship between central subfield thickness (CST) on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and visual acuity letter score (VALS) in eyes treated for macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion. The study found a nonlinear association between CST and VALS, with turning points observed at different visits. There was a strongly positive correlation to the left of each turning point and a strongly negative correlation to the right. It is noted that a thinner retina is not always better for visual acuity. Overall, there is a nonlinear and modest to strong relationship between central retinal thickness and visual acuity in patients with macular edema.

Lotilaner Ophthalmic Solution 0.25% for Demodex Blepharitis

Lotilaner Ophthalmic Solution 0.25% 用於蠕蟲蝨性眼瞼炎


Tags Cornea
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 10, October 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師


本研究旨在評估批地樂普眼科溶液(lotilaner ophthalmic solution) 0.25%與對照組的安全性和有效性。研究對象為412名患有睫毛蠕形蟲性眼瞼炎的患者,隨機分配到兩組中。結果顯示,批地樂普組的蠕形蟲密度顯著降低,且治療組在蠕形蟲根除率方面優於對照組。六週每日兩次使用批地樂普眼科溶液0.25%治療對於蠕形蟲性眼瞼炎的有效性被證實,在安全性方面也沒有出現顯著不良事件。因此,批地樂普眼科溶液0.25%可以作為蠕形蟲性眼瞼炎的治療選擇。另紅腫(erythema)治癒率似乎在與細胞皮(collarette) 以及蟎蟲根除(mite eradication)相比的後期時間點達到高峰。研究提出假設,消除或解決蟎蟲和細胞皮後,炎症需要一定的時間才能緩解。

English Abstract

The content is a summary of a study evaluating the safety and effectiveness of lotilaner ophthalmic solution 0.25% (bid x 6 weeks) for the treatment of Demodex blepharitis. Lotilaner is an antiparasitic agent that targets Demodex mites, which infest the eyelash follicles and can cause damage. The study involved 412 patients who were randomly assigned to receive either lotilaner or a placebo. Mite density was measured as the number of mites per lash. The study found that the lotilaner group had significantly lower mite density and a higher proportion of patients achieving mite eradication compared to the placebo group. The study found significant differences between the study group and the control group by week 2, with the rate of erythema cure peaking at later time points compared to collarette and mite eradication. The treatment was well-tolerated with no clinically significant adverse effects observed. Overall, the study concluded that lotilaner ophthalmic solution 0.25% is an effective treatment for Demodex blepharitis. The study concluded that it may take time for inflammation to resolve after mites and collarettes have been eradicated

Motion-Tracking Brillouin Microscopy Evaluation of Normal, Keratoconic, and Post–Laser Vision Correction Corneas



Tags Cornea
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師


本研究利用運動追蹤布里侖顯微鏡 (motion-tracking Brillouin microscopy) 比較正常角膜、圓錐角膜(keratoconus) 和雷射視力矯正 (LVC) 後的角膜之生物力學(biomechanics)差異。目的是在不侵入的情況下,直接獲取現場角膜生物力學數據,以促進更準確的LVC和角膜交聯 (CXL) 篩查和治療算法的發展。利用布里侖顯微鏡的非紊流、光學機械測量技術,對角膜進行了高分辨率的力學分析。研究結果也確認了雷射視力矯正手術後角膜的生物力學變化。這項研究探討了正常角膜和角膜圓錐的深度相關角膜僵硬度(stiffness)差異。角膜的機械特性取決於組織水合作用(hydration),並且水合變化會影響布里温顯微鏡的讀數。此研究調查了接受激光視力矯正手術很久的患者,因此對角膜的影響應該很小。儘管布里温位移的最小值和平均值在區分早期圓錐角膜患者和正常對照組方面表現良好,但這些眼睛已經相對容易使用各種臨床影像設備進行鑑別。我們還沒有評估運動追蹤布里温成像在區分疑似圓錐角膜和正常對照組方面的效果。最後,由於穩定的激光視力矯正手術和角膜圓錐眼睛在許多布里温指標之間存在重疊,還有很多工作需要進一步進行生物力學鑑別,因為它們的臨床病程明顯不同。在區分早期角膜圓錐和對照組方面,多個布里温位移參數的表現優於任何臨床指標。

English Abstract

The purpose of the study was to analyze the biomechanical differences between normal, keratoconic, and post-laser vision correction (LVC) corneas using motion-tracking Brillouin microscopy. The goal was to develop more accurate screening protocols and treatment algorithms for LVC and keratoconus. The study utilized a 3D motion-tracking Brillouin microscope to map corneal biomechanics. The results showed significant differences in Brillouin shift values between the different corneal groups. However, there was still some overlap in biomechanical metrics, indicating the need for further research.The content discusses the presence of depth-dependent corneal stiffness differences in both normal and keratoconic corneas. It highlights that the mechanical properties of the cornea depend on tissue hydration, which can affect readings obtained through Brillouin microscopy. The study investigates patients who had undergone laser vision correction (LVC) and suggests that there may be a need for enhanced depth assessment in the keratoconus population. In terms of distinguishing between early keratoconus and normal controls, Brillouin shift parameters perform better than clinical Scheimpflug metrics. However, more work needs to be done to differentiate stable LVC eyes from keratoconus eyes due to overlap in some Brillouin metrics.

Onset and Progression of Persistent Choroidal Hypertransmission Defects in Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Novel Clinical Trial Endpoint



Tags Retina
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師


本研究旨在研究具有中等年齡相關黃斑變性(intermediate age-related macular degeneration, iAMD)的眼睛上可視化的持續性脈絡膜色素超高壁(hypertransmission defects , hyperTDs)的出現和增長,以確定它們是否可作為新的臨床試驗終點。研究中使用6×6mm的光學相干斷層掃描術(OCT)血管成像來觀察眼睛的基線和隨訪檢查期間的變化。結果顯示,使用光學相干斷層掃描術成像可以輕鬆地檢測到持續的hyperTDs,並且其具有高靈敏度、準確性、陽性預測值和評分者間的一致性。該研究還發現,iAMD眼睛中hyperTDs的形成和增大與晚期AMD的發展密切相關。該研究為未來評估可能能夠減緩疾病進展的治療方法提供了新的臨床試驗終點。然而,人們對於超高壁斷層掃描(SS-OCT,SD-OCT)的可用性越來越了解,而更容易取得的SD-OCT儀器能夠生產可以用於檢測和監測超高壁的正面影像。兩者結合起來,持續超高壁的發生和進展可以作為從年齡相關黃斑變性(iAMD)到晚期黃斑變性(AMD)疾病進展的新型臨床試驗終點。

English Abstract

The content discusses a clinical trial that aims to study the onset and progression of persistent choroidal hypertransmission defects (hyperTDs) in intermediate age-related macular degeneration (iAMD). The trial analyzes en face swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) images to determine if hyperTDs can serve as novel clinical trial endpoints. The study involves evaluating baseline and follow-up visits of patients with iAMD using SS-OCT angiography imaging. The researchers found that hyperTDs can be detected and studied using en face OCT imaging, and they can potentially be used as endpoints for assessing the effectiveness of therapies to slow the progression of iAMD. The article also discusses the classification of AMD into progressive stages using color fundus imaging and the advantages of using en face OCT imaging in iAMD. Additionally, it explores the methodology, statistical analysis, and the potential implications of the findings in the context of clinical trials and disease progression evaluation.The content discusses the enrollment of subjects in a clinical trial for emerging novel therapies to prevent the enlargement of geographic atrophy (GA). The availability of en face imaging techniques like SS-OCT and SD-OCT can be used to detect and monitor hyperTDs, which can serve as novel clinical trial endpoints to study therapies that may slow disease progression.

High Myopia Normative Database of Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness to Detect Myopic Glaucoma in a Chinese Population



Tags Glaucoma
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 12, December 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師


這篇研究的目的是開發和驗證高度近視(high myopia, HM)特定的圍視神經纖維層(peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer, pRNFL)厚度的正常數據庫,以區分高度近視青光眼(high myopia glaucoma, HMG)和高度近視。這項研究使用了一個大樣本的非病理性HM眼睛的pRNFLT正常數據庫,並在外部數據集中驗證其效能。研究結果顯示該正常數據庫在區分HMG和HM方面具有較高的診斷性能。該研究對於定義HM眼睛的正常數據庫具有重要意義,並提供了一種根據OCT掃描結果區分HMG和HM的有效工具。這項研究為亞洲地區患有HM眼疾的人群提供了一種潛在的青光眼診斷方法。

English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a high myopia-specific normative database of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) thickness to differentiate between high myopia (HM) and highly myopic glaucoma (HMG) in a Chinese population. Previous studies trying to establish normative databases for HM eyes had several limitations, including poor imaging capability for HM eyes, small sample size, and lack of validation in external data. This study used swept-source (SS) optical coherence tomography (OCT) images and a large sample size to build a normative database for nonpathologic HM eyes. The database was then validated with an external dataset. The results showed that the HM-specific normative database had good diagnostic performance in distinguishing between HM and HMG. However, the diagnostic performance was better for global pRNFL thickness compared to quadrant pRNFL thickness. The study concluded that this normative database can be an effective tool for differentiating between HM and HMG based on OCT scans.