The Efficacy of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Lenses in Slowing Myopia Progression

The Efficacy of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Lenses in Slowing Myopia Progression


Tags CGMHOPHPediatricRefraction
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 5, May 2023


本研究旨在探討defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS)眼鏡鏡片在減緩近視進展方面的功效。研究結果顯示,相較於single-vision (SV)眼鏡鏡片,DIMS鏡片能夠顯著地減緩近視進展,其中在2年觀察期內,DIMS相對於SV的進展率減緩達59%。該研究的樣本來自於中國艾爾眼科醫院集團的9家附屬醫院的臨床病歷。經過相應的配對,研究結果顯示,年齡、性別和baseline近視度數等相關因素對減緩近視進展的功效沒有顯著影響。然而,該研究還發現,患有較輕近視的患者從DIMS鏡片中獲益更多。綜合而言,這項研究證實了DIMS鏡片減緩近視進展的功效,但也存在著一些局限性,例如樣本來自單一地區的醫院和病歷回顧性質等。

English Abstract

The article discusses a study on the efficacy of defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses in slowing the progression of myopia. Myopia is becoming a global public health concern due to its increasing prevalence, particularly in East and Southeast Asia. The DIMS spectacle lens was designed to slow myopia progression by exerting myopic defocus in the peripheral retina and was reported to slow myopia progression significantly in a randomized controlled trial. The study collected patient records involving the use of DIMS and single-vision (SV) spectacle lenses between July 1, 2018, and November 30, 2020, from 9 subsidiary hospitals of Aier Eye Hospital Group in China. The data were analyzed, and the study confirmed the myopia control effect of DIMS over SV spectacle lenses. The study also found that patients with lower myopia would benefit more from DIMS lenses, but the progression in patients with high myopia was only minimally affected by using DIMS spectacles. Compliance was another important factor, as more wearing time was found to be associated with greater treatment efficacy. However, the study had several limitations due to its retrospective nature, and a prospective longitudinal study is being conducted to explore if treatment efficacy can be increased by regular reminders