Social Deprivation and the Risk of Screening Positive for Glaucoma in the MI-SIGHT Telemedicine-Based Glaucoma Detection Program

社會剝奪與青光眼檢測初篩陽性的風險 in MI-SIGHT(MichiganScreeningand Intervention for Glaucoma and eye Health through Telemedicine)


Tags Glaucoma
Journal Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 10, October 2023
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師



English Abstract

The content discusses the association between poverty, socioeconomic status, and glaucoma. It highlights that personal poverty, as indicated by not driving a personal vehicle to the appointment, and neighborhood-level poverty are linked to higher rates of screening positive for glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. The article also points out that people with lower socioeconomic status, particularly Black Americans who are disproportionately affected by poverty, are more likely to develop glaucoma. Additionally, it emphasizes the impact of earlier onset and more severe disease on morbidity and quality of life. The article mentions that a significant number of glaucoma cases remain undiagnosed, with many individuals unaware of their condition. Notably, social risk factors, including personal-level and neighborhood-level deprivation, are analyzed in relation to the likelihood of screening positive for glaucoma or suspected glaucoma. The content suggests implementing telemedicine or technology-based programs in high-poverty neighborhoods to improve access to glaucoma diagnosis and treatment. Overall, the research contributes to understanding the genetic and environmental factors influencing glaucoma risk and highlights the need for targeted interventions in underserved communities.