Risk of New Retinal Vascular Occlusion After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Within Aggregated Electronic Health Record Data

使用聚合電子健康記錄數據分析mRNA COVID-19疫苗接種後新視網膜血管閉塞的風險

Tags CGMHOPHRetina
Journal JAMA Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

JAMA Ophthalmology May 2023 Volume 141, Number 5]


近期文獻已經描述了在mRNA COVID-19疫苗接種後發生新發性視網膜血管阻塞(retinal vascular occlusion, RVO)的情況。因為RVO可能導致視力喪失或失明,對這種潛在關聯進行流行病學調查對公共衛生非常重要。本研究使用TriNetX Analytics平台的回顧性基於人口的總體研究設計,該平台是一個匯總的電子健康記錄(EHR)研究網絡,包含超過1.03億名患者的去識別EHR數據,用於檢查匯總EHR數據。研究結果表明,接種mRNA COVID-19疫苗後新發性RVO的診斷非常罕見,與流感和白喉百日咳 (Tdap) 疫苗的發生率相似。未找到支持mRNA COVID-19疫苗與新診斷的RVO之間存在關聯的證據。這項研究的結果表明,相對於過去常用的流感和Tdap疫苗,接種mRNA COVID-19疫苗對於可能導致視力威脅的這種潛在不良事件的診斷率非常低。

English Abstract

A retrospective cohort study using aggregated electronic health record (EHR) data was conducted to investigate the risk of new-onset retinal vascular occlusion (RVO) following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. The study compared the occurrence of RVO after COVID-19 vaccination with that after influenza and tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) vaccinations. Of 3108829 patients (mean[SD] age at vaccination, 50.7[20.4]years; 56.4% women) who received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,104 (0.003%;95%CI, 0.003%-0.004%) patients had a new diagnosis of RVO within 21 days of vaccinationThe findings suggest that RVO diagnosed acutely after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination is extremely rare and occurs at similar rates to those of influenza and Tdap vaccines. No evidence of an association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and newly diagnosed RVO was found. The study highlights the low rates of this potential adverse event and contributes to the overall safety profile of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.