Navigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination and Uveitis: Identifying the Rates and Risk of Recurrent Uveitis after Coronavirus Disease Vaccination


Navigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination and Uveitis: Identifying the Rates and Risk of Recurrent Uveitis after Coronavirus Disease Vaccination

Tags CGMHOPHUveitis
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師



English Abstract

This article investigates the rates and risks of recurrent uveitis following the COVID-19 vaccination. Subjects were drawn from the Inflammatory Eye Disease Registry in the Auckland District, and their vaccination dates were accessed and analyzed. The risk was found to be highest among those with previous recurrences, chronic uveitis, and a shorter period of quiescence. An increase in de novo uveitis or recurrence of uveitis within 21 to 30 days post-vaccination was observed, though due to the preponderance of individual cases or small case series, a definitive association is yet to be ascertained. The hazard of uveitis flare was highest at two months post-vaccination for the first and second doses and at six weeks after the third dose. The current study demonstrates an increased risk of uveitis flare after the first dose of COVID
vaccination. This risk was highest in those with previous recurrences, chronic uveitis, and shorter period of quiescence.