Invited commentary: A Vision for Addressing Social Needs and Social Determinants of Health

Invited commentary: A Vision for Addressing Social Needs and Social Determinants of Health

Journal JAMA Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Published Online: April 6, 2023.


所討論的文章描述了社會健康決定因素(social determinants of health, SDOH)對青少年和成人視力損失之間的聯繫。研究結果顯示,不良的社會風險因素與視力惡化有關,這並不令人意外,因為SDOH影響幾乎所有的健康結果。然而,問題是如何利用這些信息來改善人口健康。作者建議,醫療保健系統和臨床醫生應擴大社會需求篩查,並與其他部門合作,幫助患者獲取所需的資源。他們還強調需要進行持續監測和政策倡導,以改善眼科服務的訪問和實施預防和訪問政策來解決不平等問題。最後,作者區分了社會風險因素和社會需求以及在開發干預措施時對SDOH的更廣泛概念,並呼籲解決不良SDOH的基礎因素,作為對患者健康最有力的影響因素之一。

English Abstract

The article being discussed describes the association between vision loss and social determinants of health (SDOH) in adolescents and adults. The findings suggest that adverse social risk factors are associated with worse vision, which is not surprising as SDOH affects almost all health outcomes. However, the question is how to use this information to improve population health. The authors suggest that health care systems and clinicians should expand social needs screening and collaborate with other sectors to help patients access the resources they need. They also emphasize the need for ongoing surveillance and policy advocacy to improve access to ophthalmology services and implement prevention and access policies to address disparities. Finally, the authors distinguish between social risk factors and social needs from the broader conceptualization of SDOH in developing interventions, and they call for addressing the underpinnings of adverse SDOH as among the most powerful influences on the health of patients.