Factors Linked to Injection Interval Extension in Eyes with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration Switched to Brolucizumab

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 8, August 2023


這篇文章是探討患有wet age related macular degeneration(nAMD)且轉換至brolucizumab治療的患者,與抗血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)注射間隔延長相關的因素。該研究旨在找出可能影響brolucizumab治療注射間隔延長的因素,這對於因需要頻繁注射而治療負擔較重的患者可能有益。


研究發現轉換至brolucizumab前較短的注射間隔與brolucizumab治療注射間隔延長呈正相關。視力指數在40到65字母的眼睛相較於視力更好的眼睛,更不太可能成為延長者。研究還提到,雖然brolucizumab治療可能對於因需要頻繁注射而治療負擔較重的患者提供了有價值的選擇,但由於與brolucizumab相關的眼內炎(intraocular inflammation)的風險,需要仔細考慮其利弊。


English Abstract

This scientific research paper investigates factors related to extended injection intervals in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) who switched to brolucizumab treatment. The study aims to identify potential factors influencing the extension of injection intervals with brolucizumab therapy, which may be beneficial for patients burdened by frequent injections.

Participants were adult patients with nAMD who switched from other anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs to brolucizumab treatment between October 8, 2019, and November 26, 2021, and were followed up for at least 12 months. The primary outcome measure was classifying eyes as “extenders” or “non-extenders” at 12 months, with extenders achieving at least a 2-week extension in brolucizumab injection interval and maintaining stable or improved vision at 12 months.


Of 2015 eyes among 1890 patients who switched to brolucizumab treatment, 1186 (58.9%) were
extenders. The study found a positive correlation between shorter injection intervals before switching to brolucizumab and extended injection intervals with brolucizumab treatment. Eyes with visual acuity scores in the range of 40 to 65 letters were less likely to be extenders compared to eyes with better visual acuity. The research also noted that while brolucizumab treatment may offer a valuable option for patients burdened by frequent injections, the risks associated with brolucizumab-related intraocular inflammation need careful consideration.

This study has some limitations, such as the lack of recorded reasons for switching to brolucizumab and a strict definition for extended injection intervals. However, it provides valuable insights into factors influencing treatment outcomes for nAMD patients receiving brolucizumab therapy.

Six Myths of the Anterior Segment: Misunderstandings and Critical Thinking in Ophthalmology




神話1:Hutchinson的徵象是疱疹性眼部炎的獨特預測指標 Hutchinson的徵象是指在第五腦神經(V1)的第一皮膚神經節疱疹的情況下,鼻尖的受牽連預示著眼睛受牽連的風險較高。然而,根據大規模研究,V1疱疹在鼻膜皮膚範圍(不僅僅是鼻尖)有一定的預測價值,但偽陰性和偽陽性發現普遍存在,對Hutchinson的徵象的診斷用途產生質疑。然而,皮膚節徵象的真正價值在於幫助非眼科醫生確定哪些患者需要轉介進行眼科評估。一項對急診部門的V1疱疹患者的前瞻性研究得出結論,Hutchinson的徵象(鼻膜疹)不能預測眼睛受累,但額上神經的皮疹卻可以。因此,對於所有患有V1疱疹的患者,都應全面評估是否涉及眼部。

神話2:嬰兒洗髮精眼瞼清潔是眼瞼炎的一線治療 每位眼科醫生可能都被教導使用嬰兒洗髮精來治療眼瞼炎。然而,2012年的Cochrane回顧研究得出結論,對於慢性眼瞼炎的任何治療都缺乏堅實的證據。而嬰兒洗髮精除了色素和香料外(這兩者都可能導致過敏),還含有可能破壞淚液膜並傷害眼表面的肥皂成分。事實上,嬰兒洗髮精公司明確表示不建議在眼周使用該產品。因此,嬰兒洗髮精不應作為首選治療推薦。

神話3:Thygeson superficial punctate keratitis僅限於角膜上皮 Thygeson superficial punctate keratitis(TSPK)是一種角膜表層點狀炎症。然而,自Thygeson首次描述TSPK以來,一些作者發表了病例系列報告,描述了具有前部間質炎(anterior stromal keratitis)、角膜疤痕的患者(其中一些患者甚至是由Thygeson本人診斷為TSPK),但這些報告大多被忽視,因為它們與Thygeson的最初描述相矛盾。Thygeson可能未能發現前部間質炎和疤痕的原因是由於當時裂隙燈的品質(他更喜歡使用放大鏡)以及他對這些患者的相對短暫的follow-up。儘管如此,教科書上仍然教授TSPK僅涉及角膜上皮且不會形成疤痕,但有時我們需要質疑這一觀點。

神話4:上部輪狀角膜結膜炎(superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis) 是由上眼瞼緊繃造成的 這種疾病與甲狀腺眼病和移植物對宿主病(GVHD)有關,並且透過局部輸注類固醇而改善。然而,問問任何角膜科醫學住院醫師SLK的原因,他們會告訴你這是一種上眼瞼緊繃的假設性理論,幾乎沒有支持性數據。只有少數甲狀腺眼病患者表現出SLK,並且這些患者的上眼瞼緊繃程度並不比對照組參與者更嚴重。眼部GVHD患者SLK的發生率遠高於甲狀腺眼病患者,而患有GVHD的患者的眼瞼鬆弛程度比同齡對照組參與者更大。儘管有數據顯示SLK是與較鬆的眼瞼相關的炎症性疾病(至少對於GVHD患者而言),但緊繃眼瞼仍被視為SLK的原因。

神話5:如果患者經常使用人工淚液,應開立無防腐劑人工淚液 人工淚液的使用非常普遍,儘管幾乎沒有數據支持其對任何病症的治療價值。人們通常認為使用人工淚液不會對眼睛造成傷害,並可能會有些好處。確實,一些患者報告使用人工淚液會短暫緩解眼部不適。然而,人工淚液對患者來說是一種成本,通常不受保險公司賠償,可能導致傷害(多達75%的經驗豎滴劑的用戶會將瓶蓋觸摸到球瞳或眼周組織),可能導致感染,增加藥物使用阻力(越多藥物,越低的依從性),並且可能引起眼睛毒性。此外,我們未能找到證據支持常見教導的觀點,即如果患者每天使用人工淚液超過4次,應開立無防腐劑人工淚液,這將大大增加患者的負擔。也許更好的做法是,如果使用保存劑產品引起眼部刺激,則轉換到無防腐劑的產品。

神話6:局部類固醇需要進行逐漸減量 作為眼科醫生,我們經常聽到同行教導的觀點,即逐漸減少局部類固醇的用量以避免反彈炎症(rebound inflammation)。然而,這種教導有兩個問題,也許更多地與用詞選擇有關,但詞語很重要,會影響我們的學員如何思考。首先,我們未能找到支持這樣一個觀念的數據,即一旦開始使用眼睛類固醇,眼睛就變得依賴類固醇,必須進行類固醇逐漸減量來使眼睛戒斷藥物依賴。其次,在這個上下文中使用“反彈”這個詞,暗示在減少類固醇時會發生一個特殊的病理過程,即當抗炎治療停止時,將發生未解決的炎症進一步復發。眼科醫生減少局部類固醇的頻率和劑量,以找到控制疾病並最小化副作用所需的最低治療劑量。遵循這種邏輯有兩種類固醇減量模式,兩者都與反彈性炎症無關。第一種模式是預定的類固醇減量,用於已知未來的眼部炎症模式。例如,白內障手術後定期減少局部類固醇的方法就是一個很好的例子,這通常是在沒有臨床監督的情況下進行的。在手術後,外科醫生對不同時間點的手術後可能需要多少類固醇有很好的了解,並以此為依據,給患者制定了一個預定的類固醇減量計劃。相反,當眼科專家治療眼部炎症時,通常進行受監督的類固醇減量,因為他們通常不事先知道所治療的疾病的預期時間。了解這一點後,他們會給患者制定一個監督的類固醇減量計劃。患有GVHD的患者。然而,在減少慢性全身類固醇時,他們還會考慮已造成腎上腺抑制的可能性,因此慢慢逐漸減少全身類固醇的低劑量,以避免增加阿迪生氏症(Addison’s syndrome)的發生率。眼科醫生在減少類固醇眼藥水時無需擔心這個問題,但這可能導致慢慢逐漸減少類固醇眼藥水來預防眼部反彈性炎症的概念。

English Abstract

We have been continuously striving to seek the truth in order to improve patient care. However, over the years, certain myths based on folklore rather than facts have infiltrated our profession. This article aims to highlight six examples to inform our community, explain why these myths persist, and consider how to address this issue.

Myth 1: Hutchinson’s sign is a unique predictor for herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO). Hutchinson’s sign refers to involvement of the tip of the nose, indicating a higher risk of ocular involvement when the first branch of the trigeminal nerve (V1) is affected by herpes zoster. However, large-scale studies have shown that V1 herpes zoster has some predictive value beyond just the tip of the nose. False negatives and false positives are commonly found, raising doubts about the diagnostic utility of Hutchinson’s sign. Nevertheless, the true value of this dermatomal sign lies in helping non-ophthalmologists identify patients who require ophthalmic evaluation. A prospective study of V1 herpes zoster patients in the emergency department concluded that Hutchinson’s sign (nasal rash) does not predict ocular involvement, but rashes on the forehead nerve can. Therefore, all patients with V1 herpes zoster should undergo a comprehensive evaluation for ocular involvement.

Myth 2: Baby shampoo eyelid scrubs are a first-line treatment for blepharitis. Every ophthalmologist might have been taught to use baby shampoo for treating blepharitis. However, a Cochrane review in 2012 concluded that there is a lack of robust evidence for any treatment of chronic blepharitis. Baby shampoo contains surfactants, which, apart from pigments and fragrances (both of which can cause allergies), can disrupt the tear film and damage the ocular surface. In fact, baby shampoo companies explicitly advise against using the product around the eyes. Therefore, baby shampoo should not be recommended as the first-line treatment.

Myth 3: Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis (TSPK) is limited to the corneal epithelium. TSPK is a form of superficial punctate inflammation on the corneal surface. However, since Thygeson first described TSPK, some authors have reported case series describing patients with anterior stromal keratitis and corneal scars (some of whom were even diagnosed with TSPK by Thygeson himself). Nevertheless, these reports have been mostly ignored because they contradict Thygeson’s initial description. Thygeson might have missed the anterior stromal keratitis and scars due to the quality of slit lamps (he preferred magnifying glasses) and his relatively short follow-up of these patients. Despite this, textbooks still teach that TSPK is limited to the corneal epithelium and does not form scars, but sometimes, we need to question this perspective.

Myth 4: Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK) is caused by tight upper eyelid. This disease is associated with thyroid eye disease and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and improves with local steroid injections. However, ask any cornea fellow the reason for SLK, and they will tell you that it is a hypothetical theory of tight upper eyelid tension with almost no supporting data. Only a few patients with thyroid eye disease show SLK, and their superior eyelid tension is not significantly more severe than that of control participants. The occurrence of SLK in patients with eye GVHD is much higher than in patients with thyroid eye disease, and those with GVHD have greater eyelid laxity than age-matched controls. Although data suggest that SLK is an inflammatory disease associated with looser eyelids (at least for GVHD patients), tight eyelids are still considered the cause of SLK.

Myth 5: Preservative-free artificial tears should be prescribed if patients use artificial tears frequently. The use of artificial tears is widespread, despite scarce data supporting their therapeutic value for any condition. People generally believe that using artificial tears will not harm the eyes and may have some benefits. However, artificial tears are a cost for patients, usually not covered by insurance, which may lead to in-hospital harm (up to 75% of users of multidose vials touch the bottle cap to the conjunctiva or periocular tissue), potential infections, increased medication usage resistance (more medications lead to lower adherence), and possible ocular toxicity. Additionally, we found no evidence supporting the common teaching that if patients use artificial tears more than four times a day, preservative-free artificial tears should be prescribed, which would significantly increase the burden on patients. Perhaps a better approach is to switch to preservative-free products if preserved products cause ocular irritation.

Myth 6: Topical steroids need to be tapered gradually. As ophthalmologists, we often hear the view taught by peers that topical steroids should be tapered gradually to avoid rebound inflammation. However, this teaching has two problems, perhaps more related to word choice, but words matter and influence how our learners think. Firstly, we found no data supporting the notion that once topical steroids are started, the eyes become dependent on steroids, necessitating a gradual taper to wean off the drug. Secondly, the use of the word “rebound” in this context suggests a specific pathological process where unresolved inflammation flares up further when anti-inflammatory treatment is discontinued. Ophthalmologists reduce the frequency and dose of topical steroids to find the minimum therapeutic dose required to control the disease and minimize side effects. Following this logic, there are two patterns of steroid tapering, both of which have nothing to do with rebound inflammation. The first pattern is scheduled steroid tapering, used for diseases with a known future pattern of ocular inflammation. For example, the method of gradually reducing topical steroids after cataract surgery is a good example of this, and it is often done without clinical supervision. After surgery, the surgeon has a good idea of how much steroids will be needed at different time points after surgery and uses this to create a scheduled steroid tapering plan for the patient. In contrast, when ophthalmologists treat ocular inflammation, it is usually under supervised steroid tapering since they typically do not know the expected duration of the disease they are treating. Understanding this, they develop a supervised steroid tapering plan for the patient. This is also a strategy in patients with GVHD, where the corticosteroids have likely caused adrenal suppression, and they gradually taper systemic corticosteroids to avoid increasing the occurrence of Addison’s disease. Ophthalmologists do not need to worry about this when tapering topical steroids, but it may lead to the concept of slowly tapering topical steroids to prevent ocular rebound inflammation.

Loss to Follow-up in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treated with AntieVEGF Therapy in the United States in the IRIS Registry

在《IRIS Registry》中接受抗血管內皮生長因子(anti-VEGF)治療的新生血管性老年性黃斑變性患者中的隨訪損失


本文呈現了一項回顧性的群體研究,旨在確定在美國接受抗血管內皮生長因子(anti-VEGF)注射治療的新生血管性老年性黃斑變性(AMD)患者中,失去隨訪(lost to follow-up, LTFU)和非持續性(nonpersistence)的發生率。該研究分析了IRIS(Intelligent Research in Sight)登錄的數據,包括2013年至2015年期間接受過抗VEGF治療的156,327名初次治療患者,並在2019年進行了隨訪。使用羅吉斯特迴歸模型,識別與LTFU和非持續性相關的風險因素。





English Abstract

This article presents a retrospective cohort study that aimed to determine the incidence of being lost to follow-up (LTFU, defined as no follow-up within 12 months from last intravitreal injection) and nonpersistence (defined as no follow-up within 6 months from last intravitreal injection) in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who were treated with anti-VEGF injections in the United States. The study analyzed data from the IRIS (Intelligent Research in Sight) Registry, including 156,327 treatment-naive patients with neovascular AMD who received anti-VEGF therapy from 2013 to 2015 and were followed up until 2019. Logistic regression models were used to identify risk factors associated with LTFU and nonpersistence.

The study found that increasing age, male sex, unilateral involvement, diabetes, Medicaid insurance, and race or ethnicity were associated with higher odds of being LTFU and nonpersistence. Patients with better initial visual acuity (VA) and bilateral involvement were less likely to be LTFU and nonpersistent. The analysis also revealed that patients who were LTFU or nonpersistent had worse VA outcomes compared to those who remained in follow-up, with a higher percentage experiencing vision loss.

The authors emphasize the importance of adherence and minimizing LTFU and nonpersistence to prevent vision loss in patients with neovascular AMD. They suggest that patient-centric strategies, such as allied health professional engagement and patient education initiatives, should be implemented to improve adherence and follow-up rates.

It should be noted that the study has some limitations, including its retrospective nature, reliance on electronic health records prone to data errors, and the inability to distinguish LTFU status from patient death. The findings also do not account for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare delivery and adherence.

In conclusion, this study highlights the rates of LTFU and nonpersistence in patients with neovascular AMD receiving anti-VEGF therapy and identifies associated risk factors. The findings underscore the need for interventions to improve adherence and follow-up in order to prevent vision loss in this patient population.

Risk of Dementia in Newly Diagnosed Glaucoma. A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea





  1. 新診斷的青光眼患者患痴呆症,特別是阿茲海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)的風險較高。青光眼患者發展痴呆症的風險比(HR)為1.89,表示風險增加。
  2. 即使在調整年齡、性別、體重指數(BMI)、收入、吸煙和飲酒狀況、視力、以及其他系統性共病如糖尿病、高血壓、中風和抑鬱症等多種混雜因素後,青光眼與痴呆症之間的關聯仍然顯著。
  3. 新診斷的青光眼與血管性痴呆(vascular dementia, VD)的風險沒有明顯關聯,但與阿茲海默病的風險顯著增加。
  4. 青光眼患者的痴呆風險在年齡較大的人群中較高,這表明與年齡相關的中樞神經系統(CNS)損傷和神經退行性疾病的易感性增加。



English Abstract

The given text is a brief summary of a nationwide cohort study conducted in South Korea to investigate the risk of dementia in individuals with newly diagnosed glaucoma. The researchers used data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, which contains demographic information and health claims data for the entire population.

Here are the key findings of the study:

  1. Participants with newly diagnosed glaucoma had a higher risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The hazard ratio (HR) for dementia development in individuals with glaucoma was 1.89, indicating an increased risk.
  2. The association between glaucoma and dementia remained significant even after adjusting for various confounding factors, including age, sex, body mass index (BMI), income, smoking and drinking status, visual acuity, and other systemic comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and depression.
  3. The risk of vascular dementia (VD) was not significantly associated with newly diagnosed glaucoma, while the risk of AD was significantly higher in individuals with glaucoma.
  4. The risk of dementia was higher in older individuals with glaucoma, suggesting an age-related susceptibility to central nervous system (CNS) injury and neurodegeneration.

The study highlights the potential relationship between glaucoma and dementia, particularly AD, and suggests that individuals with newly diagnosed glaucoma may be at a higher risk of developing dementia. However, it’s important to note that this study was conducted in South Korea, and further research in other populations is needed to validate these findings and determine if similar associations exist.



Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023


該文章描述了一個稱為「人工晶體植入症狀評估」(Assessment of IntraOcular Lens Implant Symptoms,AIOLIS)的病患報告的結果量表的開發,用於評估白內障手術和人工晶體植入手術相關的症狀。該研究遵循美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)對於開發病患報告結果工具的建議。AIOLIS調查通過網上問卷調查、郵件追蹤和電話提醒向白內障手術患者進行調查。調查問題涵蓋了手術前後的視覺症狀和感知。結果顯示,手術後視覺症狀明顯減少,但黑色新月形影像(dark crescent-shaped shadows)的症狀除外。AIOLIS量表為評估臨床研究和臨床護理中的症狀和視覺感知提供了標準化的方法。該研究支持在評估白內障手術患者的人工晶體植入相關症狀和視覺感知時使用AIOLIS量表。

English Abstract

Title :

Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure to Assess Symptoms
Associated with Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lens Implants

The article describes the development of a patient-reported outcome measure called the Assessment of IntraOcular Lens Implant Symptoms (AIOLIS) to assess symptoms associated with cataract surgery and intraocular lens (IOL) implants. The study followed the recommendations of the FDA for developing patient-reported outcome instruments. The AIOLIS survey was administered to cataract surgery patients through web surveys with mail follow-up and phone reminders. The survey included questions about visual symptoms and perceptions before and after surgery. The results showed a significant decrease in symptoms after surgery, except for dark crescent-shaped shadows. Having monofocal IOL implants was associated with significantly more reduction in halos, starbursts, glare, and rings and spider webs, but less improvement in self-reported general vision.

The AIOLIS instrument provides a standardized way to assess symptoms and general perceptions of vision in clinical studies and clinical care. The study supports the use of the AIOLIS instrument in assessing symptoms and visual perceptions associated with IOL implants in cataract surgery patients.


Tags CGMHOPHGlaucoma
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023




  1. 新診斷的青光眼患者患痴呆症,特別是阿茲海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)的風險較高。青光眼患者發展痴呆症的風險比(HR)為1.89,表示風險增加。
  1. 即使在調整年齡、性別、體重指數(BMI)、收入、吸煙和飲酒狀況、視力、以及其他系統性共病如糖尿病、高血壓、中風和抑鬱症等多種混雜因素後,青光眼與痴呆症之間的關聯仍然顯著。
  1. 新診斷的青光眼與血管性痴呆(vascular dementia, VD)的風險沒有明顯關聯,但與阿茲海默病的風險顯著增加。
  1. 青光眼患者的痴呆風險在年齡較大的人群中較高,這表明與年齡相關的中樞神經系統(CNS)損傷和神經退行性疾病的易感性增加。


English Abstract

Title :

Risk of Dementia in Newly Diagnosed Glaucoma
A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea

The given text is a brief summary of a nationwide cohort study conducted in South Korea to investigate the risk of dementia in individuals with newly diagnosed glaucoma. The researchers used data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, which contains demographic information and health claims data for the entire population.

Here are the key findings of the study:

  1. Participants with newly diagnosed glaucoma had a higher risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The hazard ratio (HR) for dementia development in individuals with glaucoma was 1.89, indicating an increased risk.
  1. The association between glaucoma and dementia remained significant even after adjusting for various confounding factors, including age, sex, body mass index (BMI), income, smoking and drinking status, visual acuity, and other systemic comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and depression.
  1. The risk of vascular dementia (VD) was not significantly associated with newly diagnosed glaucoma, while the risk of AD was significantly higher in individuals with glaucoma.
  1. The risk of dementia was higher in older individuals with glaucoma, suggesting an age-related susceptibility to central nervous system (CNS) injury and neurodegeneration.

The study highlights the potential relationship between glaucoma and dementia, particularly AD, and suggests that individuals with newly diagnosed glaucoma may be at a higher risk of developing dementia. However, it’s important to note that this study was conducted in South Korea, and further research in other populations is needed to validate these findings and determine if similar associations exist.


Tags CGMHOPHPediatricRefraction
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023


該研究報告總結了一項基於全國兒童健康調查(National Survey of Children’s Health)數據進行的研究,探討了美國兒童中視護存取(vision care access)和視力損害方面的社會經濟和種族不平等。研究使用了2016年至2020年的調查數據,包括174,551份完整調查問卷。研究結果顯示,在不同年齡組和社經類別之間存在著種族差異。此外,該研究還指出,種族不平等在2019年至2020年的新冠疫情期間進一步加劇。研究提供了有關兒童視健康和眼護不平等的關鍵數據,並提出了改善兒童視健康的有針對性和可行性計劃的建議。該研究還指出,在設計這些計劃時應考慮種族偏見、歧視和歷史創傷對眼護的影響。研究結果強調了提供結構性解決方案的重要性,以促進所有兒童對視護和眼護服務的平等存取。

English Abstract

Title : Socioeconomic and Racial Disparities in Vision Care
Access and Impairment
Among United States Children

The study report summarizes research conducted using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) to examine socioeconomic and racial inequalities in vision care access and visual impairment among children in the United States. The study utilized survey data from 2016 to 2020, including 174,551 complete survey questionnaires. The findings revealed racial disparities across different age groups and socioeconomic categories. Furthermore, the study indicated that racial inequalities were further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-2020. The research provides crucial data regarding inequalities in children’s vision health and eye care and suggests targeted and feasible plans for improving children’s vision health. The study also highlights the need to consider the impact of racial bias, discrimination, and historical trauma on eye care when designing such plans. The findings emphasize the importance of providing structural solutions to promote equal access to vision care and eye care services for all children.


Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023


該研究旨在評估不同人工水晶體的白內障手術患者的視覺症狀和滿意度。使用問卷評估了14種症狀,包括眩光、模糊視覺、暈輪和浮遊物等。結果顯示,手術後視覺症狀明顯減少,除了深色新月形陰影(dark crescent-shaped shadow)。大多數患者報告手術後對視力感到滿意。該問卷被稱為「人工晶體植入症狀評估(Assessment of IntraOcular Lens Implant Symptoms, AIOLIS)」,可用於評估premium IOL(注重近視和中距離視覺)對視覺症狀和滿意度的影響。該研究凸顯了在決策和評估手術後結果時納入患者的觀點的重要性。神經適應和未矯正的屈光錯誤等因素可能對症狀和患者滿意度起到作用。研究結果可幫助眼科醫生選擇適當的IOL,並與患者進行關於他們的視覺目標和生活方式的知情討論。

English Abstract

Title : Symptoms and Satisfaction Levels Associated with Intraocular Lens Implants in the Monofocal and Premium IOL Patient Reported Outcome Measure Study

The study aimed to assess visual symptoms and patient satisfaction in individuals undergoing cataract surgery with different intraocular lenses (IOLs). An 86-item questionnaire with standardized images assessed the following 14 symptoms: glare, blurry vision, starbursts, hazy vision, snowballs, halos, floaters, double images, rings and spider webs, light flashes with eyes closed, distortion, light flashes with eyes open, shimmering images, and dark crescent-shaped
shadow. The majority of patients reported satisfaction with their vision after surgery. The questionnaire, called the Assessment of IntraOcular Lens Implant Symptoms (AIOLIS), can be used to evaluate visual symptoms and satisfaction with premium IOLs that target near and intermediate vision. The study highlighted the importance of incorporating the patient’s perspective in decision-making and assessing postoperative outcomes. Factors such as neural adaptation and uncorrected refractive error may contribute to symptoms and patient satisfaction. The findings can aid ophthalmologists in selecting appropriate IOLs and facilitating informed discussions with patients about their visual goals and lifestyle.


Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023



English Abstract

Title :

How Ophthalmologists Can Decarbonize Eye Care
A Review of Existing Sustainability Strategies and Steps Ophthalmologists Can Take

The article discusses potential interventions to make eye care more sustainable, focusing on cataract surgeries. The authors conducted a literature review to identify interventions that are safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. They organized these interventions into a decision tree for individual surgeons to use. The interventions cover various aspects of cataract surgeries, including waste reduction, recycling, reeducation of staff on sorting protocols, optimization of drug vial sizes, elimination of unnecessary antibiotics, and the use of multi-dose eye drops. The article also emphasizes the importance of advocacy and education in addressing climate change in healthcare. The authors provide guidance for ophthalmic clinicians on actions they can take to make eye care more sustainable. Overall, the article highlights the potential for ophthalmologists to engage in safe and effective approaches to reduce the environmental impact of eye care.

Archway 第三階段試驗 – 使用Ranibizumab的港口藥物傳遞系統對於新生血管相關的老年黃斑變性病症兩年結果

Tags Retina
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 審查完成
校稿者 蕭靜熹 醫師

Ophthalmology Volume 130, Number 7, July 2023


這篇文章討論了Archway Phase 3試驗的2年結果,該試驗評估了Port Delivery System(PDS)與ranibizumab治療新生血管性老年性黃斑變性(nAMD)。試驗納入了先前接受過抗VEGF治療並有對治療產生反應的nAMD患者。研究發現,PDS組和每月ranibizumab組均報告了特定興趣的眼部不良事件(adverse event of special interest, AESI),其中白內障是最常見的AESI。這些不良事件是可以控制的,並且努力減少了與PDS相關的不良事件。試驗還評估了視覺結果,發現兩種治療方法在最佳矯正視力(BCVA)基準的改變方面基本上是相似的。研究結論是通過PDS連續提供ranibizumab在2年期間對nAMD患者帶來了持續的益處。延長試驗將收集額外的長期資料,覆蓋長達5年的時間

English Abstract

Title : Archway Phase 3 Trial of the Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration 2-Year Results

The article discusses the 2-year results of the Archway Phase 3 Trial, which evaluated the Port Delivery System (PDS) with ranibizumab for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). The trial included patients with previously treated nAMD who had a documented response to anti-VEGF treatment. The study found that ocular adverse events of special interest (AESI) were reported in both the PDS and monthly ranibizumab groups, with cataract being the most common AESI. The AESIs were manageable, and efforts were made to minimize PDS-related adverse events. The trial also assessed visual outcomes and found that the change from baseline in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was generally similar between the two treatment arms. The study concluded that the continuous delivery of ranibizumab through the PDS provided consistent benefits to patients with nAMD over a 2-year period. Additional long-term data up to 5 years are being collected in an extension trial.