Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations of the Retina Associated with Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium

Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations of the Retina Associated with Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium

Tags CGMHOPH Neuro Retina
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 已上網
校稿者 黃奕修 醫師

Christian J. Sanfilippo MD, Michael Javaheri MD, Sheryl Handler MD, Jesse L. Berry MD, David Cobrinik MD, PhD, Matthew A. Deardorff MD, PhD, Miao Sun PhD, Ryan J. Schmidt MD, PhD, Andrew J. Barkmeier MD 及 Aaron Nagiel MD, PhD
Ophthalmology, 2023-03-01, 卷 130, 期 3, 頁面 265-273, Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Ophthalmology


This case series describes four patients with novel benign intraretinal tumors of the inner nuclear layer (INL), which have not been previously reported. These patients underwent ophthalmic examinations, fundus photography, fluorescein angiography, OCT, OCT angiography, and whole exome sequencing. Two of the patients also had separate CHRPE lesions. The authors propose the term “benign lobular inner nuclear layer proliferation” for these lesions. The tumors were discovered incidentally in children or young adults and appeared as smooth, white-opaque masses on examination. OCT revealed homogeneous, hyperreflective lesions within the INL. No significant changes were observed during follow-up, suggesting a benign nature. The study also reports a possible predisposition to the development of both INL tumors and CHRPE lesions in some patients. Further research is needed to better understand the features, natural history, and potential associations of these novel tumors.


本病例系列描述了四名患有新型良性視網膜內核層(INL)腫瘤的患者,這些腫瘤以前從未被報導過。這些患者接受了眼科檢查、眼底攝影、螢光素眼底血管造影、OCT、OCT血管造影和全外顯子定序。結論: 我們描述了一種新型良性INL腫瘤,其中兩名患者與單獨的CHRPE病變相關。我們提出“良性分葉狀內核層增生”這個術語來描述這些病變。此類視網膜腫瘤源於神經感覺視網膜的固有細胞類型,罕見且與預後和全身關聯有不同的意義。




