An Eye-Trackinge Based Dichoptic Home Treatment for Amblyopia

An Eye-Trackinge Based Dichoptic Home Treatment for Amblyopia

Tags CGMHOPH Neuro,pediatric
Journal Ophthalmology
Status 已上網
校稿者 黃奕修 醫師

Tamara Wygnanski-Jaffe MD, Burton J. Kushner MD, Avital Moshkovitz PhD, Michael Belkin MD 及 Oren Yehezkel PhD
Ophthalmology, 2023-03-01, 卷 130, 期 3, 頁面 274-285, Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Ophthalmology


This study compared the efficacy of a novel binocular eye-tracking-based home treatment with traditional patching treatment in improving visual acuity in children with amblyopia. A total of 103 children aged 4 to 9 years with anisometropic, small-angle strabismic, or mixed amblyopia participated in the trial. The results demonstrated that the novel binocular treatment and conventional patching treatment had similar effects on visual acuity improvement after 16 weeks. Additionally, significant improvements in stereopsis and binocular visual acuity were observed in the binocular treatment group, despite a treatment duration twice as short as that of the patching group. No potential risks, such as diplopia, eye strain, and seizures, were observed in the binocular treatment group.

